
Every person would like to stay healthy and fit, but we also would like to live our life to the fullest. Unfortunately, that is just impossible because of the bad food tempting, the water and air pollution and the dynamic lifestyle.
Detox Your Organs And Lose Fat Fast With This Simple Fat Slushing Water Infusion
Over time, the toxins build up in our organs, mostly in the liver, the kidneys and lymphatic system. The excess fat that is accumulated in the body puts us at really high risk and makes our heart work significantly harder.
Water undoubtedly is among the most powerful ingredients that have the ability to flush out all the toxins and waste from our body. By simply adding certain ingredients you could make the water even more powerful.
Below we will show you remedy that is going to make some radical changes to your body and your general health:
Ingredients that you need:
  • 1 cup of organic, low sodium tomato juice.
  • 1/2 an organic lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of organic ginger, grated
  • 2 organic celery stalks
  • Hot sauce (for taste)
instructions for preparation:
First mix the tomato juice and ginger. If you love spicy stuff, you could add a bit of pepper or hot sauce to improve its taste. This spice is going to help you to lose weight.
Garnish with celery and don’t forget to eat the celery at the end. After you consume this natural detox potion, you need to slowly drink a BIG glass of water. Remember NOT to drink this detox beverage all at once. Consume this mixture 3 times a day.
Many people are trying to lose weight without success and have no one to blame but their own effort (or lack of). 
There are many diet “tips and tricks” online which people follow, but did you know that you should follow a set of simple rules that can help you towards your goal? Here are 8 rules you should follow if you want to lose weight:
Reduce your carb intake
If you’re planning on losing weight, you need to start counting calories. In general, you should consume 500 calories less than the usual in order to lose weight. If your metabolism is slow, eating a lesser amount of carbs can accelerate it and you will notice the first results in only a few weeks.
The scale lies
Once you start working out and eating a healthy diet, don’t jump on the scale right away as you may be disappointed. Losing weight occurs gradually, and you’ll probably notice the change in your looks before seeing massive changes on the scale. Instead of standing on the scale every day, look at yourself in the mirror and you’ll notice how the process goes.
Weight training
If you want to lose weight and have lean muscle, you need to add weight training to your daily workout routine. Cardio can get you in shape, but it doesn’t work on your muscles, which is why you need to start lifting.
Morning routines are best
Working out in the morning on an empty stomach will bring positive results pretty quickly. Do at least 10 minutes of exercising in the morning and you will see the results soon.
Smaller meals
If you plan on losing weight, you’ll also need to reduce your meals. Cut down the portions in half and eat 4-5 smaller meals during the day instead of 3 big ones in order to accelerate your metabolism. The smaller portions should include carbs and proteins as well as healthy fats for perfect balance.
Drink plenty of water
In general, you should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day – this will improve your digestion and metabolism, effectively making you lose weight. Set up reminders about drinking water on your smartphone or stick post-it notes on your fridge in order to drink the recommended amount of water.
Plan your meals carefully
Instead of entering the market and getting the first junk food you see, plan what you’re going to eat during the day – this includes the snacks before lunch. A pre-prepared meal plan will help you eat healthy and smaller portions so you don’t go hungry during the day.
Go to bed earlier
Experts recommend having your last meal at least 3 hours before going to bed and sleeping at least 7-9 hours. Not enough sleep can disrupt the levels of your hormones and make the body store fat which obviously wasn’t your plan.
Do you know the amazing health benefits of dates? These healthy fruits accelerate the metabolism, improve overall health, boost heart health, and prevent strokes, high cholesterol, and hypertension. 
ATTENTION: This is the BEST Food for Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke, and Cholesterol!
Dates are a good source of various vitamins and minerals. It’s a good source of energy, sugar and fiber. Essential minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc are found in dates.  It also contains vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin K.
  1. Healthy Heart
You will support the health of the heart by soaking a few dates in water overnight and eat them in the morning.
  1. Dates vs Stomach Cancer
Dates boost abdominal health and significantly lower the risk of stomach ulcers.
  1. Prevent Stroke
The high potassium content supports the function of the nervous system and prevents strokes. To improve your heart health, consume 400mg of potassium daily.
  1. Regulate Blood Pressure
The consumption of dates, which are full of potassium, and contain no sodium, will help you regulate blood pressure. Make sure you eat 5-6 dates daily, to get the needed magnesium amount too, which is very important too, as it ensures a healthy blood flow and regulates blood pressure.
  1. Weight loss
The consumption of dates in the morning, on an empty stomach, will regulate cholesterol levels, supply the body with natural sugars, and boost digestion. They will also be of great help in the process of weight loss.
  1. High Iron content
The consumption of 100g of dates daily will provide the needed amount of iron, boost the oxygen supply in the body, and keep the normal count of red blood cells.
  1. Regulate Cholesterol
Dates lower the levels of the bad, or LDL, cholesterol from the blood, so they are extremely beneficial in the case of diabetes. Yet, note that they are high in natural sugars and calories, so consume them in moderate amounts.
  1. Relieve Alcohol Intoxication
Dates have a powerful sobering effect and will help you soothe the headaches due to alcohol intoxication.  For best effects, soak the dates in some water during the night, an eat them as soon as you wake up.
  1. Soothe Constipation
Eat several dates, that have soaked in water during the night, in the morning, to treat constipation. R the water offers laxative effects too, so you can drink it as well, for even better results.
  1. Prevent Diarrhea
Dates improve the function of the intestinal flora and stimulate the beneficial bacteria, so they effectively prevent diarrhea.
Therefore, dates are delicious and healthy at the same time! Who wouldn’t like a few dates a day?
Two of the major causes of death in the United States are cancer and heart diseases. There are many different forms of heart disease in this world. 
The most common cause of a heart disease is a blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries. These arteries are the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. This is the number one cause of death in the United States. With that said, a new study has been published which shows that a sensorimotor disorder called restless leg syndrome could raise the risk of heart-related deaths in older women.
Restless leg syndrome is a disorder that comes from the nervous system. It causes an immediate urge to move the legs. In most cases, this interferes with sleep, so it is also considered a sleeping disorder.
For more information regarding this new research, continue reading.
If you want to review the full study, you can find it published in the journal Neurology.  This research indicates that restless leg syndrome affects between 4 and 29 percent of the adults that live in North America and Western Europe. In the United States, between 5 and 15 percent of the population are living with this condition that currently has no cure.
Women and elderly adults are the most affected by this illness. The study that is published in the Neurology journal is led by Xiang Gao – an associate professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University in State College. Gao’s goal was to investigate the link between restless leg syndrome and the mortality that is related to cardiovascular disease in women.
As I mentioned earlier, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for men and women. One in four deaths in the United States is related to a heart condition.
In order to properly analyze the link between restless leg syndrome and cardiovascular disease in women, Gao, and his team took a look at data on 57,417 women. This data was provided by the Nurses’ Health Study.
No matter how brave you are,you are probably little scared and in the same time annoyed about the little spiders which are around your house.
If You Do These Things, You’ll Never See Another Spider in Your Kitchen, Bathroom or Bedroom Again
If you life in a house with big yard full of trees then you obviously have problems with these disgusting insects.Maybe you have already tried to kill them with different sprays on which you have spent a lot of money but unsuccessfully.
Do you have in mind other solution for the insects?You want to get rid of them as fast as possible?Then you should not be worried,just read the following list of natural repellents.
Citrus fruits
If you somehow find a citrus fruits in your home,then you should put a few drops in every corner of your house because you must know that spiders hate that taste and smell.
Perfect spider repellent is cedar,so if you want to the spiders to go away then you must put cedar in cupboards,closets and garden.
White vinegar
By mixing part of vinegar with two parts of water in a spray bottle then you will get excellent mixture which will be very helpful for the infested areas in your home.
Peppermint essential oil
Spiders hate peppermint oil, so why not use it as a natural repellent? Mix 8 drops of peppermint essential oil with some liquid dish soap and water and spray the solution in every corner of your house. If the solution isn’t minty enough, add 8 more drops of the oil in the bottle. A mixture of vinegar and peppermint essential oil is also a great natural repellent.
Chestnuts, walnuts and horse chestnuts are another effective spider repellent. Their scent contains a chemical which spiders hate – put some chestnuts on your windowsills and the critters will be gone soon!
Keep it clean
Of course, the best way to prevent spiders from infesting your house is to keep it clean at all times. Vacuum and sweep your floors, and de-clutter your rooms seasonally to save some space. Also, make sure the outside of your home is clean as well – this means that your lawn must be kept clean, and you should close all gaps in your doors and windowsills.
There are many people with bad breath problems nowadays. That is a result of the bacteria multiplying in their mouth during the night. 
Get Rid of Bad Breath Permanently With Just 1 Simple Ingredient!
This problem can be easily resolved by brushing and flossing as well as with using mouthwash, but if it continues for a much longer period you should take some action in order to treat it.
According to the experts, there are 2 ways in which you can act if you are suffering from bad breath. One includes wiping the tongue with a piece of gauze – if the gauze has a yellow color orbad smell, it means that you have a high level of sulfides inside your body. 
Another option is to lick the back of your hand and after 10 minutes smell it– if it has sulfur salt residue and it smells bad, you are suffering from bad breath. Luckily for you , we have an easy solution that will help you deal with the problem fast.
Baking soda is the best natural solution for refreshing your breath. Just dilute half a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water and swish it in your mouth, or you can also dip your toothbrush in the compound and brush the teeth with it in order to get rid of bad breath. Both solutions work well, and they are going to provide results in no time!
Besides weight reduction, this diet can help you change your metabolism which can maintain your healthy weight, once you get there. In the period of 90 days you will be able to lose up to 39 pounds, so if you are not aiming for that much it is recommended that you stop the diet earlier.
This 90 Day Diet Will Help You Lose Up to 55 Pounds
The flow of this diet is the following:
  1. Protein day
  2. Starch day
  3. Carbohydrate day
  4. Fruit day
  5. Protein day
Breakfast: your breakfast in the course of these 90 days should consist of pair of fruits for example, 2 pears, 2 apples, 2 oranges, or a cup of berries. You must be careful and not change the sequence of the days.
Protein day:
Lunch: your lunch should include boiled, or roasted meat, some slice of bread, and you can eat as much salad as you please. Make sure you eat your soup without the noodles. If you are not a fan of meat, try substituting it with 3 boiled or fried eggs. On the protein day, you are allowed to eat cheese, or drink milk, but if you do, you must cut your meat and eggs to half.
Dinner: you should the same as you had for lunch, but half the portion and make sure you don’t eat any bread or soup.
There should be a pause of around 4 hours between meals.
Starch day
Lunch: your lunch should include cooked beans, peas, rice, potatoes and you can add different spices, a slice of bread and a salad.
Dinner: eat half of whatever combination you had for lunch
Make sure you make a break of at least 3 hours between meals
Carbohydrates day
Lunch: Eat some pasta with mixed spices, or a vegetarian pizza with ketchup
Dinner:  This is your lucky day since you can eat 4 cookies or 3 balls of ice cream and make sure you have a row of chocolate with 70 % cocoa.
Make a break of 3 hours between meals
Fruit day
Lunch & Dinner: Mixed fruit for lunch and dinner.
Water day
After a 29-day cycle, a day of drinking only water follows. You are allowed to drink unlimited amounts of tea and coffee. Once you finish the 90 days of the diet you can start eating normally, but keep the fruit in your breakfast. You’ll notice that in the next 3 months you will lose another 3 kilos, which is a sign that your metabolism is changing for the better.
Although it might seem a bit complicated the diet is really simple once you get used to it. The different products which are consumed during the diet have a special purpose in the proper functioning of your body. For example, chocolate stops allergies which might appear when you are on a diet and fruit will give you energy in the morning.

Make sure you monitor your blood pressure and conduct regular blood tests.