Hair fall has become a growing problem for most people these days. Both in men or women, the problem is the same for all and it starts from the age of 20 and can continue till you die.  Below we enlisted some best Hair Growth Tips for you.

10 Best Hair Growth Tips
Tips for Hair Growth:
1. Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil:
Curry leaves are widely used in Indian cuisine for tampering the dishes, but it is also one of the most effective herbs for grey hair that also aids in promoting hair growth. It is the best remedy for hair loss and promoting hair growth. The fatty acids in coconut oil bind with the hair proteins and protect the hair strands from root to tip and prevent breakage. It seals the moisture in hair by penetrating through the hair shaft and provides protection against pollution and heat.
  • Take half cup of coconut oil (depending on the length of your hair).
  • Add 7 to 8 fresh curry leaves to it and boil it together.
  • Don’t burn the leaves; just bring them to a boil.
  • You will find black residue forming; apply this residue to your hair.
  • Use this twice a week to see the difference.
  • This mixture will help in hair growth and also fight grey hair.
2. Egg Mask for Hair Growth:
Egg contains high level of proteins that help in formation of new hair.
  • Mix one spoon of honey, one spoon of olive oil with white of one egg to make the smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste at your hair and leave it for 20 minutes then rinse with cool water and your shampoo.
3. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is one of the most complete oils that is readily available. It protects the scalp and stimulates hair growth. It contains nutrients and carbohydrates which produce healthy, long
and shiny hair. It is said to stand as one of the favorite oils in India and is in high demand because of its properties which prevent baldness. Coconut oil can be kneaded into the scalp to strengthen hair follicles.
4. Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is simply perfect to fight anything related to body and hair, naturally. It is used to cleanse pores and balance your pH levels. However, people do not know that aloe Vera is good to prevent hair loss. Applying natural aloe vera gel on scalp and hair is one of the best ways to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
  • Take two tablespoons of your shampoo in a bowl.
  • Add one tablespoon of aloe Vera gel, coconut milk and ½ teaspoon of wheat germ.
  • Mix it together and shampoo your hair with it.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar has a kind of uses. One of its main purposes includes hair growth. Use of this vinegar helps in gently cleansing the scalp. At the same time, it ensures that the pH balance of the hair is maintained.
6. Indian gooseberry:
Indian gooseberry is a very wonderful remedy for getting black and long hair it is rich in antioxidants as well as vitamin c that can help to best results, it will promote the hair growth in short span of time.
  • Take some pure Indian gooseberry juice and add lemon juice to mix and apply it on the scalp wait for few minutes and then wash it with water
7. Onion Juice:
Another one of those secret hair growth remedies, onion juice, can promote hair growth with Sulphur, an organic compound that boosts collagen product. You would specifically need red onions or shallots for this purpose.
8. Vitamin E Oil:
Filled with antioxidants, vitamin E oil fights the free radicals. It helps to increase oxygen in the body and increases the blood circulation in the scalp. Massage your scalp with vitamin E oil and leave it overnight. Wash it off with a mild shampoo the following day to gain silky smooth hair.
9. Scalp Massage:
When you get any kind of body massage, you’re promoting blood flow to that area.
  • If you get a massage on your scalp, more blood will flow towards your scalp, which will encourage hair growth.
  • If you’re using some kind of oil or deep conditioner, you could give yourself a massage while you apply it.
  • This will help to maximize its effectiveness. To massage your scalp, all you have to to is rub your scalp in circular motions for about five minutes.
  • It’ll give you something to do while you let your conditioner set.
10. Lower stress levels:
Stress has been found to disrupt your hair’s natural growth cycle.
  • The more stress you have, the slower the rate of growth.
  • Effective ways to lower your stress levels include meditation, more sleep, and deep breating.
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