Black seed come from yearly blooming plant, Nigella Sativa, and the name was given due to the physical appearance of the seed. The existence of these seeds has been known for centuries by many cultures as it shows a wide range of health benefits. 
Black Seed – The Remedy for Everything But Death?
Namely, it can eliminate MRSA, recuperate the body harmed from synthetic substances, and enhance the recovery of the decreased beta cells inside the diabetic’s pancreas.
Black Seed or otherwise referred as the black cumin have been used in the far ancient Egypt. Namely, the black seed oil was discovered in Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb, which goes back in time 3,300 years ago.  The Islamic prophet Mohammed(SAW) said that it is “a solution for all sicknesses with the exception of death.” In Arabic societies, black cumin is known as Habbatul barakah, which means the “seed of blessing”.
The biomedical literature affirmed many medical advantages of the use of black cumin. In fact, since 1964, there have been 458 references about the beneficial use of these seeds.
According to Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) page, over 40 health conditions have profited from the utilization of the herb. The reason for such efficacy lies in the numerous health advantages, like the following ones:
  1. Anti-Bacterial
  2. Ant-Hypertensive
  3. Anti-Fungal
  4. Antiviral
  5. Antioxidant
  6. Anti-Inflammatory
  7. Analgesic (Pain-Killing)
  8. Anti-Cholinergic
  9. Anti-Ulcer
  10. Antispasmodic
  11. Bronchodilator
  12. Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic)
  13. Hypotensive
  14. Hepatoprotective (Liver Protecting)
  15. Interferon Inducer
  16. Insulin Sensitizing
  17. Leukotriene Antagonist
  18. Renoprotective (Kidney Protecting)
  19. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitor
The above mentioned pharmacological activities are only small portion of what black seed can offer to the body.  Even though this may seem to you surprisingly incredible that this seed can regulate quite a large number of various natural pathways, this is actually a common thing among all customary plant meds.
Researches up to now have shown that there are over 1600 natural mixes with an extensive wide spectrum of medical benefits, but there are still more. MEDLINE has more than 600,000 investigations done on this issue and all of them were identified with Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
For instance, turmeric is efficient in over 600 health conditions, and shows more than 160 beneficial pharmacological activities. On the Turmeric Research page there are over 1500 investigations on the use of turmeric and there is an explorative video on turmeric. Plus, there is the database of many people who used turmeric and reported positive results of its use, and there are 61 contemplates on turmeric and breast malignancy. All this just confirms how powerful turmeric and as well as black seed can be.
Comprehensive Research on Black Seed
A concise research was conducted on the benefits of the black seed, and it was concluded that it shows the following health benefits:
  • Asthma
Nigella sativa (black cumin) contains an active compound known as thymoquinone, which is even more powerful than the medication fluticasone in an animal model of asthma. When human participants were used the bubbled water concentrates of black seed showed a strong antiasthmatic impact on asthmatic airways.
  • Acute tonsillopharyngitis: portrayed by tonsil or pharyngeal irritation, that is a sore throat
It has been demonstrated in human participants that black seed capsules (in combination with Phyllanthus niruri) can relieve throat torment thus reduce the need of torment medications.
  • Chemical Weapons Injury
In a placebo controlled human investigation of the damage of compound weapons on patients was discovered that bubbled water concentrates of black seed soothed chest wheezing, respiratory side effects, and aspiratory work test esteems. Thanks to the use of black seed the need for medicate treatment was diminished.
  • Colon Cancer
In animal studies where subjects were rats was revealed that dark seed oil has huge inhibitory impacts against colon disease. Plus the cell analysis has shown that dark seed is highly efficient against the colon disease without showing any side effects which is not the case with the chemotherapy.
  • Epilepsy
Black seed contain anticonvulsive properties which are highly beneficial for patients with epilepsy. According to a recent report involving epileptic children, the water extricates substantially reduced the seizure episodes.
  • Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Black seeds are extremely efficient against H. pylori, practically identical to triple destruction treatment.
  • High Blood Pressure
It aids patients with high blood pressure. Namely, daily use of 100 and 200 mg of black seed two times a day for 2 months, has shown to have a circulatory strain bringing down impact in patients with gentle hypertension.
  • MRSA
Black seed contains potent anti-bacterial properties thus making it extremely efficient against clinical separates of methicillin-safe Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Opiate Addiction and Withdrawal
It is extremely beneficial for this issue as well. It was shown in an examination involving 35 sedative addicts that black seed is a successful treatment in the long haul treatment of opioid reliance.
  • Type 2 Diabetes
Only 2 grams of black seed a day lessened fasting glucose, reduced insulin resistance, expanded beta-cell work, and decreased glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human subjects.
Product of Nature
Black seed is a product of nature which means that it does not contain any chemicals thus making it safe for use. Even the Bible refers to it as “confidence the span of a mustard seed moving mountains”. Herbs have been always present on our planet, and our ancestors had wide knowledge of them as they were the only substances they can rely on. Nowadays there are many pharmaceutical substances which can be helpful up to a certain level, but in most cases they are accompanied by negative adverse effects.
Therefore, whenever you experience some sort of ailment you should try some of the products that nature offers and not immediately turn to the chemical ones. Black seed have shown to be capable for overcoming anti-toxin safe bacteria, recovering the body from concoction weapons, dealing with hypertension, showing ability to fight off diabetes, and many more.
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