Lemons are considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Except the variety of health benefits, fresh lemonade prepared by this yellow fruit has great taste.
Lemons are abundant in vitamin C, which will strengthen your immune system, and fights flu and cold. In addition to this, lemons are powerful anti-inflammatory properties and are great for treatment of illnesses such as osteoarthritis and arthritis.
Moreover, lemon has the ability to reduce damage caused by free radicals. Lemons have powerful antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties due to the high flavonoid content.
Probably many you buy fresh lemons in the local grocery store, but you imagine having fresh lemons at home whenever you want? Isn’t that great idea?
Continue with reading as we will explain you way to grow your own lemons in the house using only one seed:
You will need the following:
  • 1 lemon
  • Soil of good quality
  • A proper container or pot
  • Breathable plastic film
  • A sunny area
How to Plant Your Seed:
  • Take a bucket, place the soil and mix it with some water in order to dampen it.
  • Next step is to put moistened soil inside the container and don’t forget to leave approximately one inch of space below the rim.
  • After that, slice the lemon and choose seed in good shape.
  • First remove the flesh from the seed and try not to dry it since you need to plant it moistened.
  • Make a hole of about ½ inch in the soil and place the seed inside. Then you should cover the seed and use watering can or squirt bottle to water it.
  • In order to cover the container use breathable plastic and keep it moist and warm on an area where the sunlight shines. It is important to find balance when watering as the seed can rot if there’s too much moisture.
  • You should keep an eye on the plant for about 1 – 2 weeks and take care of it. As soon as it starts sprouting don’t forget to take off the plastic cover.
  • After the sprouting occurs, move the plant to an area with direct sunlight.
Caring For Your Plant:
  1. You should not forget to maintain the soil with the sprout moist at all time, particularly when the lemon tree is young. However, you also should watch out for the water not to build up, and check if the container or the pot you have used has drainage holes at its bottom
  2. It is crucial the lemon tree to be exposed to direct sunlight at least 8 hours per a day, which means you need to find suitable place for that.
  3. Do not forget to add fertilizer to your lemon tree when is needed
  4. Once the tree starts to grow bigger, it may be necessary to transplant it to a bigger container. In case if the tree grows too big for your home it is advisable to move it to your backyard, front porch or the balcony.
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