Having a pain in knees is something that happens very often with people of different ages. The reasons are numerous. It can be some injury, or something hidden like arthritis. And it depends on the reason what the treatment will be like.
How To Treat Your Aching Knee At Home? With LEMONS!!!
If you feel a pain in your knee all of a sudden, it could be because it had been overused. Or is somehow hurt. But in many situations, visit to the GP ids not necessary.
This is what you need to do:
You need:
  • 1 to 2 lemons
  • Oil from sesame
What to do:
  • Lemons should be cut in tiny pieces.
  • All those pieces should be tied in a cloth and then dipped in the oil.
  • The cloth should be positioned on the knee and it should stay like that for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this for two times during the day.
Pay attention: It is good if you drink lemon juice early when your stomach is still empty.
Lemons contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. All the vitamins are present like A, B1, B6, C plus folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.
Because of the presence of C vitamin and calcium, the bones improve so some bones illnesses can be avoided, like osteoporosis, arthritis or polyarthritis.
Lemons also contain fragrant essential oils which help in the relaxation of the blood vessels and then trigger the anti-inflammatory effect, which makes them perfect for pains in the joints and nerves.
Sesame oil is known for its features. It has been used for many years because it is anti-inflammatory.
This oil is very good because it goes through different tissues up until the bone marrow. Than it goes inside the blood stream.
When should you consult a physician?
Make sure you visit them if:
  • You feel that you ate not able to put weight on the knee
  • You feel a severe pain especially at night.
  • You experience locks and clicks in the knee which are painful.
  • The knee looks deformed
  • You experience inflammation, fever or some heat in the knee area.
  • If pain is still present, even after several weeks of treatment, don’t wait. Also if you have been treating it and for some reason there is no improvement but you can feel pain, go to the doctor’s!
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