Everything that we feel has a direct link with our moods as well as our physical being. 
Surprising Ways Emotions Can Affect Your Body
Our body responds to everything that we do, say, act upon, think about and feel. This is the mind-body connection which governs our physical reactions to our mental state of affairs. For example, someone may develop stomach ulcer or a high blood pressure after a particularly stressful event.
This suggests that if we can control and steer our emotions towards the positive side then we can also manage our physical well-being extremely effectively. Scientists and behaviorists are now working on ways through which we can harness our emotional powers to help heal our mind and body.

o hasn’t felt the tingling of butterflies in the tummy or a racing heartbeat when they have come across a crush? These are actually body’s subtle ways of telling us that the emotion we are feeling is that of love and it leads to a series of fascinating chemical reactions throughout our nervous system and hormones. The ‘love’ hormone oxytocin is released in abundance by the body which works as a painkiller, boosts your confidence and makes you feel giddy on the whole.
s of anger and anxiety are accompanied with irritability and resentment. It also leads to anxiety disorders and can trigger body’s ‘flight or fight’ response. As a result, the adrenal glands flood the body’s system with stress hormones and the brain starts pumping blood to the muscles to prepare for physical exertion. This causes a whole lot of stress on the body overall.
epression isn’t an emotional disorder as much but more of a mental instability. It leads to emotional anguish and contributes to a wide array of physical problems. Depression increases a person’s risk of physical illness and directly effects the immune system. Depression almost always is linked with high risk of heart diseases and makes the person more susceptible to substance abuse.
e feeling of fear instantly releases stress hormones which drain the blood from our guts and organs. The brain is signaled to pump as much blood as possible to the body’s muscles to prepare for an attack or defense. This causes a lot of stress on the automatic immune system of the body and may have long-term effects.
nhealthy and toxic shame becomes a source of continuous stress and may cause a person to wallow in depression. Passive aggression is also seen in people suffering from toxic shame. Overcoming shame is a purely personal endeavor and is learnt when the person realizes that he or she has to forgive themselves first and challenge themselves to learn to win the battle against personal toxic shame.
ealousy causes a great deal of mental as well as emotional stress. This instability leads to quickened heart rates and high blood pressure. People prone to jealousy are at a greater risk of suffering from strokes, poor appetite, weight loss, general state of unhappiness, 
insomnia and stomach related issues.
ccording to studies, happiness leads directly to longevity. Happy people are always healthy people, generally. Sure, they may suffer from physical ailments every now and then but people who have a happier stance in life generally have a more stable health as compared to those who don’t. Oxytocin and other ‘happy’ hormones contribute directly to ensuring that the body’s immune and nervous systems work perfectly and prepare the body to combat any diseases it may be prone to.
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